Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Dr. Jack Zorn, the First RED COAT (Red Coat Series, Part 2)

Dr. Zorn holds up a sign 
encouraging me 

"You Are Awesome, Blaine"

I never had the great privilege of meeting Jack Zorn.  Everyone that I know who met him said they went away feeling loved.  He had a special gift.  He made others feel important.  He was a motivator and helped young people believe in themselves.  

Take note of the photo above.  This was taken at the annual convention in Orland, FL when I was only 13 years old.  Someone told Dr. Zorn that I had a blog and I had won first place in Louisville with that blog.  

He had a friend of my preacher send this photo to me on my dad's cell phone.  He did special things like that.  He loved kids.  He wanted them to succeed.  It will be a marvel to meet him in heaven when I die.  I imagine that day in my mind.  Will he have a Red Coat in heaven?  I imagine he will be there with Peter and John, laughing with Jesus and bringing little souls (like my baby sister) who died to Jesus, encouraging her to sing or talk to him and the apostles.  I am sure that the younger souls will be magnetized to Jack Zorn, that's just how he affects children.  

As soon as I heard about the Red Coat, I wanted to try for it.  I started doing more events when I was in 7th grade.  I loved speaking and leading hymns.  I had done Bible Bowl many years before there even was a Red Coat Award.  

It took a LOT of work. But if I can do it, you can do it.  Just start.  Jot down some notes, get organized, and start!  There is no time like the present, as they say! 


 Here are my activities from year to year 

2015 - 5th grade – Speech (First Place), Song Leader, Painting, Sketching


2016 – 6th grade – Speech (Winners’ Circle), Song Leading (Third Place), Puppet Theater (2nd Place), Blog (1st Place), Know the Books (Level 2, Gold), Read the Word (NT), Centurion of Scripture (Bronze), Good Samaritan (Bronze), Year-Round Bible Study/Reading, Bulletin Board (3rd Place), Provider (3 Medals), Art Says It - Painting (2nd Place), Poster (1st Place), Photography (2nd Place), Sketch


2017 - 7th grade – Winners’ Circle Speech, Song Leading (1st Place), Puppet Theatre, Year-Round Song Leading and Speech, Centurion of Scripture, Good Samaritan, Year-Round Bible Reading/Study, Year-Round Bulletin Board, Know the Books level 2 Gold, Mass Media:  Blog (3rd Place), Video (1st Place), Audio, Art Says It -Painting (3rd Place), Sketch, Photography (2nd Place), Bulletin Board, Individual Scrapbook, Provider -3 Medals (Louisville)


2018 - 8th grade – Winners’ Circle Speech (3rd Place), Winners’ Circle Song leading (1st Place), Puppet Theatre (1st Place), Year-Round Song Leading and Speech, Centurion of Scripture, Good Samaritan, Year-Round Bible Reading/Study, Year-Round Bulletin Board, Know the Books level 2 Gold, Read the Word OT/NT, Mass Media:  Editorial, Video, and Audio (1st Place), Art Says It Painting, Sketch, Photography, Bulletin Board, Winner’s Circle Individual Scrapbook (3rd Place), Provider -3 Medals, Group Scrapbook, Group Banner, Selected for Parade of Leaders (Louisville)


2019 - 9th grade – Winners’ Circle Speech, Winners’ Circle Song leading, Year-Round Song Leading and Speech, Centurion of Scripture, Good Samaritan, Year-Round Bible Reading/Study, Know the Books level 2 Gold, Read the Word OT/NT, Mass Media:  Editorial, Video, and Audio, Art Says It Painting, Sketch, Photography, Bulletin Board, Winner’s Circle Individual Scrapbook, Provider -3 Medals (Memphis)


2020- 10th grade – No convention held, but I still did work on Year-round Song Leading, Year-Round Speech, Good Samaritan, Scrapbook, Know the Books level 2 Gold, Year-Round Bible Study, Submitted Editorial (third place), Video, and Audio for Mass Media, Guard, Centurion of Scripture, Read the Word (NT only).  I was signed up to do Debate, Speech, and Song leading. (Louisville)


2021- 11th grade  - Served as a Volunteer Host, Worship Leader Sunday Morning (Song Leader), and Served Communion at Sunday Worship at  Convention, Winners’ Circle Speech, Winners’ Circle Song leading, Year-Round Song Leading, Centurion of Scripture, Good Samaritan, Year-Round Bible Reading/Study, Know the Books, Read the Word OT/NT, Mass Media:  Podcasting (1st place), Blogging (1st Place), Painting, Sketch (3rd Place), Photography (2nd Place), Bulletin Board (3rd Place), Winner's Circle Scrapbook (1st Place), Provider -3 Medals, (Louisville)


2022 - 12th grade – I am registered and preparing for the following events:

Red Coat Candidate, Host Volunteer, Winners’ Circle Speech, Winners’ Circle Song leading, Debate, Bible Bowl Team A, Year-Round Speech (Bronze), Year-Round Song Leading (Bronze), Sower, Podcasting, Blogging, Centurion of Scripture (Bronze), Year-Round Bible reading/Study, Know the Books, Read the Word OT/NT, Winner's Circle Scrapbook, Art Says It Painting, Sketch, Photography, Bulletin Board, Provider -3 Medals (Lawn Mower maint., Car Maint and Repair, and Basic Home Security).

Also Volunteered to serve Communion on Sunday, Volunteer to lead worship in hymns or speck presentation for Sunday



Start Now! 
You Can Do It!


Saturday, September 25, 2021

My Leadership Project (The Red Coat Series, Part 3)

Frances and Jack Zorn
Founders of L2L

My Red Coat Leadership Project was something that took me a whole year to complete.  If you want to get technical, it took 5 years.  But the main project was this past year.  There were ups and downs, and I felt stretched to the max in my abilities.  Sometimes I wanted to quit.  But I pressed on. 

My Project:  Choosing a scripture to help me press on

 I chose a verse to help me stay the course when the going got tough. I Corinthians 9:24 tells us to "Lay aside every weight and sin that so easily ensnares us, and to run with endurance the race set before us."

 I had friends, teachers, preachers, elders, and youth group members cheering me on.  My parents encouraged me and listened to me talk and talk and talk about different ideas I wanted to try.  I had a special couple who took interest in me and gave me the most encouragement and support.  They are Halo and Rhonda Fernandez.  

I was to go to Florida at the end of my project to stay with them in their home.  Dr. Jack Zorn was living with them, being very frail and elderly.  I was to stay in the guest room, do special errands for the headquarters of L2L, and read to Dr. Jack (and talk and do bible studies, etc.).   I was so stoked about the whole trip, the time with this great man of God, sitting by his bed every day and talking to him about his life and the bible. 

But it was not to be.  Dr. Zorn passed on to the next life with Jesus the week before my trip was scheduled.  I was devastated.  But Miss Rhonda was a trooper.  Even though she lost her precious father, she took the time to talk to me and to help me pivot.  We made another plan. 

The New Leadership Project Plan  

I was to prepare a presentation for Dr. Zorn's funeral, being appointed as the representative for all of the L2L participants.  Long story short, I traveled to Montgomery, Alabama, and spoke at the funeral.  I think it was the honor of my lifetime.  

Presenting my thoughts to honor
Dr. Jack Zorn
at his funeral

Other Parts of the Project

Originally, my race was to press on to spiritual things… like getting to know Dr. Jack Zorn and his

 family better, traveling to his home to spend time with him, meeting his congregation’s youth, and

 door-knocking with Rhonda and Halo in the Orlando area to invite youth to a cookout and devotional.

.  Other activities were also involved in my plans, such as speaking on the subject of L2L in churches

 and youth events, leading Devos at Christian camps, and participating in a door-knocking campaign to

 invite youth to a gathering in which I would speak.   Some of these things happened.  Some did not.


Bible Bowl in PA

In addition to these goals, this project raised awareness of Lad to Leaders among those who knew

 nothing about it.  There were several campers at Camp Manatawny and Pennsylvania Christian Camp

 (after I spoke in a Devo) who had never even heard of Lads?  I was able to describe my experience with

 the organization to them and encourage them to become involved.

Party at the Local Nursing Home

My parents and I discovered L2L when I was in the 5th grade, and I have been actively participating in

 many events and activities in the program since that time.  I have enjoyed dozens of challenges, made

 lifelong friendships with fellow believers, learned many essential life skills, and have become a

 stronger believer in Jesus because of my time in Lads to Leaders.  

Puppet Show Team at Church

Years ago, I started writing letters (as part of my homeschool English class) to Dr. Jack Zorn.  

A unique relationship developed in the years following as we wrote to each other and became friends. 

Dr. Zorn is the inspiration for me to pursue this award.  If I had not known him, I would never have

 tried to go for it!  His written encouragement and positive affirmations will be motivations for me to do

 difficult things for the rest of my life.

My best friend Zane and I present our 
Poster at Church 

Objectives of my Leadership Project

There were several unique objectives to my L2L Leadership Project.  Research, inquiry, and surveying

 on the phone were some of the methods that would have been used to meet the original goals of this

 specific project.  But that was not to be.  Still, I pivoted and did some research, inquiry, and surveying

 on the phone to set up a public Internet Podcast that may continue to promote the vision of Jack Zorn

 long into the future. 

The podcast is and will continue to be available via the internet to anyone who wishes to listen to it and

 will encourage involvement in the events and activities of Lads to Leaders; specifically, the Red Coat

 Award and how it is earned are explored with the current award recipients.  

Traveling to Florida to become more acquainted with some of the founders and leaders of Lads to

 Leaders was not the Lord’s will for me.  I was very disappointed, but Dr. Zorn was called to Glory,

 and I had to come up with some other objectives to fulfill my project goals. 

I spoke to Dr. Zorn on the phone the day before he passed away.  I will always be grateful to God for

 allowing that blessing in my life.  How unique, how special.  

And yes, I did most of the speaking, but I could hear breathing and some verbal noises 

(I assumed they were affirmations) from Jack Zorn’s lips as his daughter, Rhonda held the 

phone up to his ear.  Rhonda encouraged me to give the speech to Dr. Zorn over the phone

 that I was scheduled to give at a youth event at the Concourse the following weekend.  

I did. 

I will never forget that phone call, it is frozen in my memory forever.  

So amazing.

Even though I did not get the chance to stay and work with Dr. Zorn that next week,

 I was challenged to present a 3-minute speech at his funeral.  

I was to represent the participants of Lads to Leaders, and I was deeply honored to do so. 

I traveled from Arkansas, spending two nights in a local hotel to attend the funeral of this 

great man of God.  I presented my thoughts on how Dr. Zorn influenced me for good.

  It was a day I will remember for a long time, and my presentation was preserved in a video that was

 broadcast internationally.

I have had the opportunity to present several other speeches this year, giving my thoughts to

 congregations and young people at church camps and youth meetings.  

Getting my message out about “Running the Race” for Christ has helped to encourage support by

 prayer, greater involvement, and has (hopefully) challenged kids to have an increased 

commitment to God and L2L.  

Bulletin Boards were another 
skill I learned in L2L 


Sunday, September 12, 2021

We Must Be Strong (Red Coat Series, Part 4)

What does it take to earn the Red Coat?

The same thing it takes to follow Christ, give it your all!

Reciting the Gettysburg Address at
Bethany Village Nursing Home
during a Mother's Day Luncheon

It takes Courage! 

I developed courage as I learned new skills in L2L in my 7 years of participating.  

Courage is sometimes feeling fear and doing the thing anyway. 

 In a little while, it becomes easier!   

At first, I did not enjoy speaking in public.  

Now I love it!  Practice makes perfect.  

Although I rarely do it perfectly.  

This was the first time I led the 
Communion Service

It takes Strength

What else does it take to earn the Red Coat?

A tremendous amount of Strength. God will give you the strength, so don't worry.

Giving it your all

What does it take to follow Christ, to give him our "ALL?"

It takes courage, and it takes daily strength.

The word of God says that we will be transformed when we meditate on the words in the Bible

as often as we can!

Convention 2021

What is the benefit of this?

More joy.

More adventure.

More purpose.

More is something we all want. 

Giving to Get

What if the only way to find more is to give Jesus all that you have?

You can discover the Treasure worth everything. 

Jesus has everything you need.

Matthew 6:21 says, “For where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.” 

How about you, do you know Jesus?