Sunday, October 3, 2021

A Courageous Leader

Joshua was a great and spirited leader of the Hebrew people.  He is an excellent example of our L2L Theme for this year, Strong and Courageous. 

This mighty man took over as the Israelite leader when Moses died.  It is estimated that Joshua was about 82 or 83 years old when God's people entered the Promised Land. 

Many difficult tasks and impossible events happened in overtaking the Promised Land under Joshua's leadership.  The spies thought it was impossible to gain the land, all except for Joshua and Caleb.  There were many obstacles to be overcome. 

The name Joshua actually means "Jehovah is Salvation."  Joshua always gave all glory to God as the Deliverer of his people.  The Bible says that the Israelites continued to serve Jehovah all the days of Joshua (Numbers 27:8, and 32:12).  This says something very positive about Joshua's leadership style and success.


I am certain that Joshua was incredibly brave, and well-built physically.  The strength and courage of this man are clear in the writings of scripture.  He had been a very close friend of Moses throughout the time before entry into Canaan.  He wandered in the wilderness with the Hebrews.  He ministered to Moses from his "young manhood on (Numbers 11:28 Exodus 24:13 and Exodus 33:11).  

Source:  The Children's Bible Story

Joshua had proven to be a qualified military leader. He was captain of the armies of Israel in the defeat of the Amalekites (Exodus 17).  He was a fearless army commander and was chosen as a younger man to represent the tribe of Ephraim when one man was chosen from each tribe for the mission of spying out Canaan.  

Source:  The Children's Bible Story

When Moses died, Joshua lost a great friend and leader.  God planned to use Joshua to do many impossible things in the following years.  The Lord knew that Joshua needed comfort and strong faith, so God told him over and over again to be strong and of good courage.  Joshua was aware of the tremendous power of Jehovah.

Source: The Children's Bible Story

The book of Joshua covers about 20 years, from the entry into the Promised land until around 1450 B.C., perhaps the year Joshua died.  I loved reading and re-reading this Old Testament book this past year to study for the L2L Bible Bowl Competition.  Joshua's role as a courageous and strong leader during the conquest of the new land was unique and interesting.

I discovered that the name Joshua, in Hebrew, is Yehoh-shu'a.  It is the equivalent name of Jesus.  The book of Joshua in the Septuagint is called I-e-sous' (the Greek equivalent of Yehoh-shu'a), and from this name, the name Jesus has been said to be derived.  

Source:  Heartlight Ministries

Joshua displayed all of the wonderful qualities of a fine leader... courage, obedience, and integrity.  

We can all learn something by studying this man's life. It is a fascinating and inspiring testament to a life of a servant leader. 

Friday, October 1, 2021

Our Faithful Founder, Dr. Jack Zorn (The Red Coat Series, Part 1)

Dr. Jack Zorn, photo from the L2L Website

I had the honor of representing the participants of Lads to Leaders 

at Dr. Jack Zorn's funeral on 

August 28, 2021.

My Presentation at the Funeral

A Man of God in our Time

Jack Zorn impacted my life for Christ. 

He did that for many young people.  

Grown people, young people, tiny people... 

Dr. Zorn touched so many lives 

Dr. Zorn and his wife, Frances

The Red Coat 

The Red Coat Award is the highest achievement attainable for youth in Lads to Leaders.  Dr. Jack Zorn often wore a Red Suit Coat, and it matched his vivacious personality.

He wore his Red Coat from the time he began to mentor young men to speak and lead hymns.  He wore that coat to preach, and to worship.  It became an icon in the Church of Christ.  The Red Coat represented leadership, energy, magnetism, love, and encouragement.  It represented mentorship, sacrifice, humility, hard work, and dedication to a worthy cause.  It still does.  

I aspire to wear that coat one day.  I have dedicated much of my free time in pursuit of the achievement, much like an Eagle Scout award known to the Boy Scouts of America.  This last year of high school has been strenuous.  It has been challenging.  Times got tough, things went wrong, plans changed, but I pressed on, much like my mentor, Jack Zorn.  

I know that I may not attain this worthy goal; while also knowing that it is a high honor if I do.  I hope that Dr. Zorn will be honored if and when I am on stage, handed that Red Coat, and putting my arms through the sleeves, wearing it proudly.  I will strive to honor him, and his late wife, Mrs. France Johnson Zorn.  

I will be writing a series of 4 posts about my journey to the Red Coat in the next few posts.  I hope you enjoy reading about my endeavors.  

One can view the funeral of Dr. Zorn here, click the link: 

(my portion of the service presentation
 begins at the 3 hours, 34 minutes, 45-second point)

From the website

Jack Zorn taught me many things, one of them is this Poem: 

Honesty and Integrity 

 Approach all events and activities with the proper attitude. 

 Do your best. 

 Do not look for ways to stretch or bend the rules.

 Your honesty and integrity are more valuable than silver and gold.

 (Proverbs 22:1)

Dr. Zorn and Jack Watkins

Endorsements for L2L (from the website)

“Lads to Leaders is one of the most productive programs that our congregation has been involved in with our youth. It would be a wasted opportunity not to take this program seriously.”
Terry Broome, Minister at Broad Street Church of Christ, Scottsboro, Ala.

“I am impressed with the Lads to Leaders/Leaderettes books and materials, and especially the critical topics they address.”
George Bailey, Evangelist (deceased), Dallas Tex.

“Please allow me to express my gratitude to Lads to Leaders/Leaderettes for your outstanding work in training young men and women to be active workers in the church.”
Jeff Jenkins, Minister at Lewisville Church of Christ, Lewisville Texas.

"If we would have had this program [Lads to Leaders/Leaderettes], the young men I grew up with would not be in jail and dead today."
William Hardy Jr., Minister at church of Christ in Palestine, Tex.